Christine Cowern Managing Partner

Real Broker Ontario Ltd., Brokerage

Christine Cowern photo
When I started The Christine Cowern Team in 2013, I had no idea where it would eventually lead. If I did, maybe I would have called it “The Kick-Ass Woman Doing Kick-Ass Things Team”. Back in the day, I was working in advertising sales in British Columbia until the fateful moment when I met with a Toronto real estate agent and got a glimpse into what my life could be like. I moved back to Toronto and the rest, as they say, is history. With a spark of passion, thousands of hours of work, and determination, I’ve built this team over the years into one of the most successful and respected real estate teams in the city. Winning my brokerage’s Platinum Club Award and Hall of Fame Award in 2011 after only 4 years in the business, I had the taste of success from the get-go. And I’m fully committed to inspiring those around me and making a positive difference in the lives of others. Since 2019, I’ve taken a step back from sales, to follow another one of my passions–personal and professional development. What exactly does that mean? I manage all aspects of the team’s operations, marketing, and everything in between. But I also provide support, training, client initiatives, team building, and beyond.
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Christine Cowern Managing Partner
Real Broker Ontario Ltd., Brokerage
146 Thirtieth Street Toronto, ON M8W 3C4
| Residential | Buyer Agent | Seller Agent |
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