David Boersma Broker
Benchmark Real Estate Group

Knowing that a real estate transaction is one of the largest investments one makes in their life, it is important to have a dedicated professional like myself who delivers quality service. My love for real estate, law and passion to help people allows me to provide the highest level of service. My strong work ethic and drive, and simply going that extra mile is indicative of the service I provide. My diverse work background, and having been involved in many aspects of real estate construction and development for 20 years, allows me to be devoted to understanding my client’s needs and providing them with exceptional real estate experiences.
David Boersma Broker
Benchmark Real Estate Group
860 Queenston Rd Stoney Creek ON, L8G 4A8
Benchmark Real Estate Group
860 Queenston Rd Stoney Creek ON, L8G 4A8
| Residential | Buyer Agent | Seller Agent |